Smt Kasturi Vemuri and Sri Samba Siva Rao Vemuri retired couple formed ‘’Help to Green ‘’ organisation in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India . For about 30 yrs Smt Vemuri worked as a Hindi pandit at Railpet Muncipal Girls High School and retired on 30thJune 2012. 30th June 2015 Help to green started with the help of local philanthropists.

Mission & Service

Services in the community

Our motto is to have mini gardens in each and every houses in the pen space they have.

Inculcate the habit of growing vegetable gardens in their free spaces in houses and if they live in apartments roof gardens to be implemented. The methods of developing such gardens and guidance if any to be provided to them

Elders of the locality to take up the work because the young and middle aged are always at work and they cannot allocate much time to this kind of work. Hence apart from propagating the concept of green, we can also help the older people to spend their evening of life with peaceful and a meaningful work.

Propagate the concept by making jobless people start small scale industries of paper bags, jute bags, cloth bags, and any biodegradable things which help the society free from pollution.

Educate the people to do physical exercise mainly when they go to work on cycles and tell them about good effects of cycling.

Educate them to avoid fuelled vehicles at least 2 days in a week so that the city becomes green and pollution free.

Try to make people plant at least 5 trees in a month anywhere they can and make older people responsible to grow the tree by watering and looking after those trees.

To install rain water harvesting in the houses so that the water levels increase and the scarcity to water shall minimize in the colonies.

To educate about the bad effects of plastic and inculcate a habit of using olden day baskets and containers made up of cane.

To conduct blood donation camps in the colonies in consultation with philanthropic organizations and use the blood for charity purpose, especially for those associated with help to green. To breed the fish which feed on harmful insects in the ponds and lakes and make water clean and fresh.

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